Saturday, January 25, 2014

Express Health. Express Symptoms.

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We all get sick and it's miserable. It's no fun to have a stuffy nose, sore throat, a fever, or even diarrhea. We have been programmed to think that symptoms are the same thing as disease. Because of this there are a multitude of pills, syrups, and potions that a person can take to get rid of them. Have you ever stopped to think why?

Our bodies are amazing. I once heard that at any give instant there are 60,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (that is a "6" followed by twenty-eight zeros) different functions happening at once in the human body. Needless to say our bodies know what is going on inside. There is a term that is taught in even the most basic biology class and that term is "homeostasis". When the body is in homeostasis, it means that the body has found its equilibrium i.e it's healthy. Different types of stress, whether it be physical or emotional stress, toxins, or germs, pull our body away from equilibrium. When this happens the body uses its different resources and mechanisms to return to normal homeostasis.

When your body encounters different germs like bacteria or viruses, it pulls the body out of equilibrium and your body doesn't like that. Your immune system flares up and symptoms ensue. All symptoms have a purpose. Mucus helps create a river to carry out the bad stuff and also increases local immune activity. A fever increases metabolism and creates a hostile environment for certain types of germs. Vomiting and diarrhea help flush the unwanted germs out of the digestive tract, and so on. So does it make any sense to suppress the means your body has to heal? I don't think so. I believe that the body knows more about whats going on inside of itself than we can even imagine. It is always working to keep you as healthy as possible.

A pattern that I see all the time is the more symptom suppressing medications a patient takes, the long the illness sticks around. And it makes total sense. If you have a head cold, and your body is trying to rid the nose and sinuses of germs by creating mucus and you take something that suppresses mucus then of course you will be sick longer. You're fighting your own body that is fighting to make you healthy! Medications suppress functions and hinder the body from expressing proper health.

Next time you are sick, instead of trying reaching from something that suppresses the way your body is designed to function, why not try things that actually support and increase function. So what do I do when I get sick? I get adjusted, because chiropractic adjustments have been proven to boost the body's immune system. I also take things like coconut oil, raw honey, Vitamin D, and colloidal silver which are all things that are proven to boost the body's immune system and giving it more resources to fight off infections faster and recover sooner. Whenever you get sick, your goal should be to boost your immune system, not suppress it.

Lastly, one thing that most people do not realize is that your immune system that fights off minor infections and colds is also the same immune system that has to fight off more serious problems in your body, like cancer. Allowing your body and your immune system to get practice, and fully develop is so vital to your health in the future. So next time your are sick, instead of suppressing yourself, allow your body to express itself, and know that it is actually making your stronger.

Dr. Matt

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